Our brand new Vitamin Enriched Cold Blend Coffee in 250ml cans, with more liquid and a new flavour profile.
Our Vitamin Enriched Cold Blend Coffee combines Speciality Grade coffee with immune-boosting vitamins, all in one convenient grab-and-go bottle.
Our Cold Blend is vegan, dairy free, low sugar and low calorie, with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Roasted locally, we use Dear Green‘s Brazilian Fazenda Pantano bean, which delivers a lovely rich dark chocolate and caramel flavour, which is then enriched with our blend of Vitamin B12 and Echinacea, and then cleverly finished with turmeric and ginger and natural sweetness coming from the agave. A taste you won’t find anywhere else.
Discover a refreshing variation to your morning coffee, afternoon pick me-up or pre-activity boost with all the added health and anti-inflammatory benefits to help you keep up that busy routine.
Best served chilled or over ice.